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Showing posts from September, 2019

Of Dentures and Braces- Teeth Cleaning etc

I’ve been wearing braces since I was 24. Yes you guessed it right. I am much older now and I won’t tell you my age ;-) Well these frequent dentist visits made me realize the acute importance of Teeth Cleaning. I won’t go into boring medical details since I have been bored enough by my doctor for all these years but let me write here that the main enemy of our teeth is something called the plaque. Smiling Tooth What is Plaque? Plaque is a thin whitish layer that forms on the teeth after you eat something. This layer hardens itself if you do not brush your teeth regularly or properly. If sometimes any food particle is trapped beneath this hardened plaque it can bore down a hole into your teeth. When this hole reaches your gums, you get what is popularly advertised today as “teeth sensitivity”. Nope teeth sensitivity isn’t something that you can “cure” with toothpastes. It needs immediate treatment which is known as “root canal”. Root Canal Treatment A root canal procedure...